
Slowly Settling

Thumper is our only child to attend all-day kindergarten, and boy, is he feeling it.

He’s crashing in the car, he’s falling asleep at the dinner table… he’s just plain ol’ TIRED at the end of the day.

I thought that last year – when he was attending preschool for the “extended day” program – was a pretty good warm-up, but that started a lot earlier in the morning, got out a lot earlier as a result, and was only three days out of the week.  School is now five days a week, with a 90 minute early dismissal on Wednesdays.  I am taking him out of school early three days a week, but that’s for ABA.  He isn’t getting to mentally check out – he’s going for more individual therapy.

My poor baby.  This is a much bigger adjustment than I’d thought it would be.

But it’s also only week 2 for him, so this period of adjusting is probably normal.

I do miss him during the day, though.  But he’s much better off being engaged at school than being a total couch potato, demanding music over YouTube or unlimited iPad time at home.

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