
Tad Speaks – It’s November

When I pick Thumper and Tad up from school on Tuesdays for ABA, we drive past a very convenient Starbucks drive-thru.  And because Tad gets out of school a full hour before ABA starts, we’ve started going through the drive-thru.  When the weather is warm, he gets a lemonade or a frappuccino.  When it’s chilly, he gets a hot chocolate.

As we went through yesterday, Tad peered in the drive-thru window and was appalled at all the red and white and green.  Then he was handed his hot chocolate – which was in a festive green cup.  He was perturbed.

“It’s not Christmas yet!” he yelled. “There are still leaves falling off trees! There’s no snow! Why does Starbucks hate November?!?”

I told him that he was 100% right, and that we would enjoy our November while it lasts.

Then he pointed at the small mall next to the Starbucks and said, “Oh, that’s where we see Santa!  I need to work on my list.”

So much for November when you could be hitting up Santa Claus, and asking for tens and twenties.

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