
We Were Ready For Nothing

Today is Valentine’s Day.  If there had been school today, there would have been parties and cards and all that jazz.

Once we knew school was canceled yesterday, I made sure that the valentines for the little boys’ classes were assembled and ready for a Friday party.  JUST IN CASE.

So, of course, school has been canceled for tomorrow.

See what being prepared brings?  DISAPPOINTMENT.

And next week is midwinter break.  I have no idea if there will be a Valentine party on – *checks calendar* – February 25th, when these guys are finally supposed to go to back to school.

It was a long winter in Anatevka…

One Response to “We Were Ready For Nothing”

  1. Nanna
    February 25th, 2019 13:20

    Love your reference to Anatevka. We know the feeling here too!