
Birthday Baseball Game!

It was my birthday, and it was also Ichiro Suzuki Funko Pop night!  Rerun was more excited about the latter part.

Because the Funko Pops are always such a popular giveaway, we planned on getting to the park and standing in line very early.  As in, “as soon as the parking garage opens” early – which is three hours before the game starts.  And because Auntie is such a GREAT SISTER, she got me birthday tickets in the Terrace Club (200 level).  Now, for those in the know, the “official” Mariners garage has a couple of skybridge entrances.  One leads directly to the suites, and the other leads to the Terrace Club.  You can only use those entrances if you have a ticket for that area.  So that meant that we decided to park in the Mariners garage.

When we arrived, it was a few minutes early, but the garage was already open.  Oh, right, it was also season ticket holder appreciation day (the Webmaster and I attended this game last year with season tickets that he had bought off a former co-worker), so the garage opened early.  And then I got a birthday present.  As we pulled in, a guy was talking to the garage attendant that we were preparing to pay.  Instead, he stopped us (having obviously cleared this with the attendant) and offered us a free parking pass, as he had two and had only needed one.  YES THANK YOU.

So, after that birthday surprise, we parked, got in line at the skybridge, and waited.  And waited, and waited, and waited.  The boys were patient-ish, my battery backup charger was in my purse, and we survived (though it was chilly and windy and we got out our blankets early to fight off the cold).  And when the line opened, we went through security and got our Funko Pops!

We were freezing, so we ate inside the Terrace Club instead of in our great seats, just so we could shake the chill off.  Then we staked out our seats, and I took the little boys for a walk.

During the game, the boys were wanting to know why I didn’t get my name up on the big screen for my birthday.  I had just said “well, that costs money” when I got a text from Auntie.

“Look at the board”

I was already watching it, but then my name came up.

And I freaked out, pointing it out to the boys.

The Webmaster had known ahead of time, but Auntie and her friend A, who works for the team, had arranged that surprise for me!

The team did not realize it was my birthday and lost.  Boo.  They generally have a good record on my birthday, so what was that all about???

And so another season has come to an end.  Not gonna lie, this was a tough season.  On our way back to the car, Rerun said “we haven’t won a lot of games this year.”

I tried to be encouraging.  “Yeah, this has been a rough season. It’s been a rebuilding year. But next season will be better.”

“Or it could be worse,” Rerun muttered under his breath.

Nine and a half, and he’s already got all the cynicism of a seasoned Mariners fan.

Happy birthday to me.

One Response to “Birthday Baseball Game!”

  1. Nana
    October 7th, 2019 11:21

    Thanks for taking us along for the ride!! Glad you had a happy time for your birthday 🙂