
Archive for March, 2020

Rerun Rides A Bike!!!

Friday, March 20th, 2020

It finally happened, and it is a MIRACLE. Rerun, after years of fighting us, learned to ride a bike today! We worked on balance, and then I was running alongside him for a while, keeping him balanced and giving him a sense of handling and pedaling at the same time.  Little Mo’s mom and Neighbor […]

Thumper Loses A Tooth And Gets A Lisp

Thursday, March 19th, 2020

That front top tooth of Thumper’s (which he would not wiggle for anything) had become so loose that I was concerned about it being knocked out. So after brushing his teeth tonight, I started working it again – and I felt it give.  Thumper started yelling because he wasn’t happy about it, but I finally […]

The Other Shoe Drops

Wednesday, March 18th, 2020

We learned on Monday evening that the Autism Center is closing down until at least the end of the month. That sound you heard was the last shred of my sanity dying a long and tortured death. My one saving grace is that the weather this week has been awesome, so I have been sending […]

Art of the Week – Baby Yoda

Tuesday, March 17th, 2020

As you can guess, Tad’s art classes are also on hold at the moment.  Fortunately, Teacher M is putting some drawing tutorials online for the kids to use, and in a lot of them she is drawing popular characters. Like a certain popular Star Wars character of the moment. Here is Tad’s drawing, from Teacher […]