
Archive for the 'Mommyhood' Category

Spirit Day

Friday, April 17th, 2020

The schools are attempting to still hold “Spirit Wear Days,” so the kids can dress up and enjoy some of the same stuff that they did while they were on campus together.  It’s not quite the same on Zoom, but I have to give them credit for trying. So I have instituted my own Spirit […]

Interior Social Distancing

Wednesday, April 1st, 2020

If there is anything I am learning while we are all stuck together, it is that we MUST have some space to ourselves.  The boys are not the best practictioners of that, because they are always convinced that someone else is doing something MORE fun than they are, and that must be investigated. So, it […]

Do We Have To Think About Summer Now?

Wednesday, February 26th, 2020

Short answer: YES. I have already registered Rerun for summer camp, Ane can already see what her summer work schedule will be, I’ve been trying to collect information on camps for Tad, and I’ve already talked with Thumper’s therapists about his summer schedule. Oh, and Ane wants to fit a trip to Maui in there […]

Birthday Baseball Game!

Monday, September 30th, 2019

It was my birthday, and it was also Ichiro Suzuki Funko Pop night!  Rerun was more excited about the latter part. Because the Funko Pops are always such a popular giveaway, we planned on getting to the park and standing in line very early.  As in, “as soon as the parking garage opens” early – […]