
Archive for the 'Speech Therapy Saga' Category

What we know

Monday, October 25th, 2010

Tad is a very interesting child.  If you read this blog regularly, you already knew that. Right before Rerun was born, I took Tad for yet another consultation with his pediatrician about his ongoing behavior issues.  I knew that the time was coming when we could get some kind of firm diagnosis about his behavior, […]

Crazy Week

Monday, September 20th, 2010

I think there is too much stuff packed into this week.  Last week ended on a happy note, as Rerun finally cut his first tooth!  He’d been drooling like mad for a week.  And he was his typical happy self when he was cutting it – I had been checking him regularly for a while, […]

GF Update

Friday, July 30th, 2010

So far, the gluten free diet for Tad is going pretty well!  It is amazing how many things are available nowadays that are good substitutes for what would have had gluten. For example, breakfast.  Tad had to give up his chocolate Cheerios (which he really loved), but we found some other yummy, kid-friendly cereals in […]

Going Gluten Free

Thursday, July 22nd, 2010

Yes, we’re going to give it the old college try.  Which will last about as long as a college quarter… at least to start with. Tad is going gluten-free to see if it alters his behavior at all.  When last we considered this, we consulted a naturopath, who put him on all sorts of vitamins.  […]