
Archive for the 'Speech Therapy Saga' Category

Evaluate the Crazy, Please!

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

In a crazed effort to get as much stuff taken care of before Rerun arrives, I took Tad for a consult with his pediatrician yesterday afternoon (who also is Ane’s doctor and will be Rerun’s. We’ll be seeing a lot of him again very soon). Anyway, this particular consultation (the last time we did a […]

Tad visits the naturopath

Friday, February 12th, 2010

It was an idea whose time had come. And Grandma told me to. 🙂 We’ve really hit a snag in Tad’s behavior lately. Not that his behavior was perfect and then something went awry, but as he’s gotten older, his lack of self-control becomes more and more apparent. Being as far along as I am, […]

Hard Days

Friday, January 22nd, 2010

Wednesday was not a good day for Tad. He came home from school without a “good day” hand stamp (sadly, a common occurrence recently), ended up not taking a nap at all, and then had Cubbies that evening at church. And you can imagine how that went. He was just so wiped out that he […]

Underwear Boy!

Thursday, October 15th, 2009

MAJOR milestone for Tad last night! He wore underwear to Cubbies! And he used the potty at church! AND he was dry all evening!!! Tad has been very insistent on wearing underwear recently. We’ve gotten into a routine where as soon as he gets home from school, I take off his Pull-Up and he puts […]