
Have you entered the contest yet?

There’s still plenty of time to put your two cents’ worth into the Rename the Munchkin contest (scroll down to the bottom of the original post for the rules and prize information). There have been several good suggestions so far (and those of you who have already given me ideas, keep adding to them – there aren’t any limits on the number of names you can submit for consideration!), which has actually spurred my imagination a little in the pseudonym department. Oh, and if I end up going with a name that was not suggested, but inspired by someone’s entry, then that person who gave me the idea will end up with that $10 gift card to Starbucks. I won’t keep the prize for myself.

In other news…

The Kids Christmas concert was last night at church. The Munchkin got up on stage and sang pretty well for the first song (“Happy Birthday, Jesus”), but got far too distracted by her bells for the second song (“Christmas Bells,” sung to the tune of “Jingle Bells”). Each kid got to take their bells home, too. Thanks a lot, people. Tad and Little Cousin played happily in the nursery during the whole concert, under my watchful eye (and eventually the Webmaster, Little Cousin’s Mommy, the Munchkin and several other kids and parents joined our wiggly crowd). The preschoolers were at the very top of the program and only sang the two songs, and then the K-6th grade kids did a little mini musical. We haven’t been to the kids’ concert in years, because Auntie got too old and the Munchkin was too small. But now we have joined the ranks of the other camcorder-wielding parents.

Yes, Little Cousin is here, and her cousins are thouroughly enjoying the time they are getting to spend with her. I have also established myself as the “cool aunt” by feeding Little Cousin bits of cake after the concert last night, and sharing my Frosty with her at Wendy’s. Her mommy says that’s okay, so long as she gets to be the “cool aunt” to my kids. Auntie will probably claim that title to all of the cousins in the future, but right now she’s broke and can’t drive, so Little Cousin’s Mommy and I automatically win. The Captain will probably claim “cool uncle” forever, so I don’t think Oddball or the Webmaster even have a chance.

I have sent out about 60% of my Christmas cards. I’m on the home stretch. I handed out several yesterday at church and saved myself at least 10 postage stamps. That’s money, people.

And we are now in total countdown mode for the arrival of the Wocket (T-minus ten days!!), Carter’s Mom and Carter’s Dad’s first baby, and Carter the dog’s first “sibling.” In the Group o’ Friends (as we call the core group of college friends that has now married and expanded into 7 couples), the girls are sadly outnumbered. With the impending arrival of the Wocket and Handy Girl and Handy Guy’s Handy Baby in March, the ratio now stands at 7 to 2 (the two girls being the Munchkin and Princess Em). When I mentioned this to the Webmaster, he said wryly, “I think that those girls count as two each.” Did I mention that the girls are strong-willed? Yeah. Anyway, we live in very exciting times!

Must bake more cookies. Must make gingerbread house from kit. Must finish cards. Must wrap presents. Must make invitations for the Munchkin’s birthday party!!!

2 Responses to “Have you entered the contest yet?”

  1. Linda
    December 11th, 2006 09:01

    Deep Breaths, Deanna!
    You have so much to share and Thank you for doing so! Your life makes some of us seem boring and stagnant! But, we ‘remember’ with your lives!
    Give Elizabeth and her family our love…their Christmas card will be waiting for them when they return home!
    hugs and love to all…

  2. Handy Girl
    December 11th, 2006 16:54

    Well, I’m still trying to come up with new names for the Munchkin (Whirlwind and Spunky are still my best so far) but I thought of a great webname alternate for Handy Baby – Little Geek. You know with both parents being engineers, he is doomed to a childhood of geekdom! 🙂