
Archive for August, 2018

Doctor Who & Pump It Up

Wednesday, August 15th, 2018

This is what Doctor Who cupcakes look like when Auntie makes them. This was our collaboration on a totally nerdy but hilarious party favor. And this is one happy birthday boy at his party. And this is the feeding frenzy that happened after everyone had their time jumping. And when it came time to sing, […]

It’s Official….

Tuesday, August 14th, 2018

Took Tad to the doctor yesterday morning for his regular checkup. He and I are now EXACTLY the same height – 5′ 4″. He weighs less.  Obviously.  Kid is a stick. He’s also exactly the same height as his sister, who is also my height. I have no idea how this happened. Weren’t they just […]

Eighteen Years

Sunday, August 12th, 2018

As I joked to many people today, the Webmaster’s and my marriage is now legally old enough to vote. Another few years, and it’ll be old enough to drink. Eighteen years, two teenagers, a third grader-to-be, a kindergartener-to-be, a house remodel that never ends, and many, many laughs together. Happy anniversary, Webmaster.  None of this […]

Thirteen Years Old

Sunday, August 12th, 2018

Dear Tad, Today is the day you and I have both talked about for a while now.  Today, you are an actual teenager.  Today, you are thirteen years old. I am not sure I am entirely prepared to have a teenage son.  And yet everything about you screams “teenager.”  Your voice has cracked, your body […]