
The blame game

The Munchkin has gotten herself good and busted. This particular one won’t be forgotten soon… because it’s so freakin’ funny.

I was busily reading and catching up on all my favorite blogs (and I just added a new one to my blogroll, MagzWorld! Go check it out!), when the Munchkin came dashing over to the computer. “Oh, Mommy, what happen Veggie Tales?”

“I have no idea,” I replied, confused but too distracted to get up and check anything out. No one was crying, she wasn’t bleeding, so I let it go.

About ten minutes later, I heard the unmistakeable sound of VHS tapes being stacked and toppling over in the living room. I got up to see what was going on.

Our TV sits on top of an entertainment cabinet that has a side drawer that we keep important VHS tapes in – like the Veggie Tales episodes that we don’t yet have on DVD. The Munchkin knows that they are in there. I walked into the living room to find the drawer open and both kids playing with tapes (no damage or ribbon pulled out) that are out of their sleeves and all over the floor.

The Munchkin saw me, and instantly fled to the couch on the other side of the room with the most guilty expression on her face. As he is nine months old, Baby Boy has no guilty feelings, and just looked at me with a generally happy expression on his face. Once she was safely sitting on the couch, the Munchkin turned and looked at her brother with a shocked expression. “Oh, baby, what you do??” she cried in her best “cover-my-butt” horrified tone.

Baby Boy, of course, could not have opened that drawer. I knew perfectly well that she’d done it, but now she was trying to pin the blame on him. The funny part was that she even tried to! Sneaky little turkey. She got a good scolding and forfeited the rest of Sesame Street for the morning, which was probably the most dire punishment I could have inflicted. She cried quite a bit while I put everything away. Later, she contritely came to me and ‘fessed up. “Mommy, I make a mess of tapes,” she said earnestly.

“I know you did, Munchkin. Don’t do it again,” I told her, with a smile tugging at my lips. After all, who am I kidding?

2 Responses to “The blame game”

  1. Little Cousin's Mommy
    May 26th, 2006 07:17

    Wow! That is funny, but I cannot help feel sorry for you when her teenage years come thundering toward you.

  2. DozeyMagz
    May 29th, 2006 02:02

    Hee heee! I can just imagine it … oh hang on, I don’t have to imagine it! Do you think Munchkin & Mophead are in secret scheming contact with each other?!
    Thanks for Blogrolling me!