
Would you like to have something to eat?

Ane cooked up a dinner for her dolly using her new pots and pans (a Christmas gift from her Grandma), and her play sushi. The play sushi comes with chopsticks, plastic sushi, a bowl of rice, a wasabi leaf, teacup and bottle of shoyu (soy sauce), and was a Christmas gift from the Captain and his family.

Have some sushi?

Ane cooks up a meal

Dolly was fed a bowl of rice, which got washed down with a bottle of milk. Very nutritious for a growing dolly.

Akachan, gohan wa oishii ne!

Ane thought that Dolly’s rice needed some shoyu. That’s my girl!

More shoyu!

2 Responses to “Would you like to have something to eat?”

  1. Dozeymagz
    January 16th, 2007 04:42

    She is quite the little cook! Maybe you can pop her on a plane over here and she can make my dinner!

  2. Little Cousin's Mommy
    January 16th, 2007 07:36

    Cute! She looks more like you all the time!