
Ane Speaks – classical music edition

I’m trying to broaden the kids’ musical tastes beyond Veggie Tales, Sesame Street, They Might Be Giants and Star Wars soundtracks. So, last night I turned on Mozart for a little musical accompianment to dinner.

Ane listened intently. “Is this ballet music?” she asked. She thinks all orchestral classical music must be “ballet” music.

“No. Actually, it’s called baroque music,” I told her.

She stared at me. “Broken music?”

2 Responses to “Ane Speaks – classical music edition”

  1. Laurie
    April 29th, 2008 08:25

    Actually Classical… 🙂 But then she wouldn’t have said such a cute thing. Play a little Handel, Bach, or Scarlatti for Baroque music.

  2. Doc
    April 29th, 2008 10:08

    As Cogsworth says, if it’s not baroque …