
One more week to go

… until Ane starts school.

It cannot come soon enough, in her opinion.

We got a letter from the kindergarten teachers about a meet-and-greet opportunity they are having, next Monday and Tuesday. Enclosed in the letter was Ane’s bus tag, marked with her bus number, teacher, classroom number, home address and phone number.

I guess they are serious about not losing track of any kids.

We have her backpack. We’ve got almost all the supplies together that they asked for – which I’m assuming they would really prefer that you bring to one of these meet-and-greets instead of sending them with the kids on the first day of school on the bus.

All that’s left to do is check the weather and pick a first day of school outfit.

I think.

One Response to “One more week to go”

  1. Aunt Lynda
    August 27th, 2009 08:18

    We took a picture each first day of school, and the kids held up fingers to represent their grade. Lori carried on the tradition.
    Last year Lori really missed that, but in the e-mail came a picture from Emily, with a one and a three fingers up!