
The Rest of the Zoo

Because there’s more too it than just the sharks.

There are tigers…

The tiger poses

… and elephants…

Elephants on parade

… and clouded leopards that were sleeping up in their trees, so it was impossible to get a good picture.  So we posed with the donation box – after putting a few coins in.

At the clouded leopards

Thumper found the elephants amazing…

Watching elephants with Daddy

… the tropical fish fun to look at…


… and the sea otters fascinating.

Watching sea otters

The puffins, however, put on the best show of the day, as we got to see them dive off their “cliff” into their pool, and be hand-fed a fish lunch.

The puffins get lunch

We watch the puffin show!

Days later, and Rerun is still cracking up over the silly puffins and their antics.  We stopped at the gift shop on the way out and I bought him a postcard with a puffin picture.  I hung it next to his bed.

Point Defiance is such a great place.  It’s a good thing we are members and can go whenever we want – even if it is a bit of a drive.  It’s always worth it!

One Response to “The Rest of the Zoo”

  1. Nana
    August 6th, 2014 06:17

    Great time! When our schedule settles down, would love to meet you there again.