
Archive for the 'Autism Adventures' Category

Thumper Balances

Monday, December 30th, 2019

Thumper’s “big” Christmas present from us this year was his very own balance beam. He has become such a climbing monkey, and his favorite spot to “balance” is the back of our couch, which is neither stable nor flat.  And he’s fallen off three times (which is pretty impressive, considering ALL the times he’s not […]

Getting A Sensory Fix

Thursday, December 19th, 2019

Ever since Thumper started swimming lessons on a regular basis, they have provided him with a really great weekly sensory fix. He absolutely loves being in the water – maybe a little too much – so it’s vitally important that he has these swimming lessons, for safety’s sake!

Thumper’s New Skill

Wednesday, November 6th, 2019

After years of work, Thumper has finally learned how to zip up his own coat! This was cause for celebration! And then we discovered that because Thumper can zip up his own coat, he now believes that he is Master of his own Destiny. And if the Master of his own Destiny wants to put […]

Spinach Tortellini

Wednesday, September 18th, 2019

It has taken YEARS of effort (my family, and Friend and Doc, will back me up on this), but Tad has actually developed into a decent eater.  And I’m not talking about quantity (because HOLY CRAP, can he put away food), I’m talking about his willingness to eat a variety of foods.  Now, he may […]