
Archive for July, 2005

The squeaky wheel gets greased – rant update

Wednesday, July 13th, 2005

I finally got a reply back from Target. Boy, are they spinning this to make me happy. First, the good news: they reassure me that the Woodinville Target was “inadvertently” added to the list of stores that would no longer carry Dreft laundry detergent, and that the store should have it back in stock in […]

Rough-and-tumble fathers

Tuesday, July 12th, 2005

My Dad routinely beat me up when I was a kid. Okay, no one call CPS or anything! I enjoyed it and look upon it as some of the best memories of my childhood. You see, my Dad used to wrestle with us and play football with us (us being my brother and me, and […]

Yellow and blue make green!

Monday, July 11th, 2005

An amusing incident happened this weekend that had a couple people unrelated to the Munchkin very concerned. In the end, I’m going to blame her father for it. Just to warn you. We had nursery duty during first service at our church yesterday morning. Now, during the summer, first service tends to be more packed, […]

Friday already

Friday, July 8th, 2005

…and all I have watched this week is Sesame Street, Veggie Tales, Sesame Street, American Chopper, Sesame Street, news, Sesame Street… you get the idea. Actually, last weekend the Webmaster and I stayed up really late and watched Enemy at the Gates (it was on TNT). Now, please keep in mind that the movie was […]