
The Corner’s books of the moment

Here’s what everyone is reading right now:

Baby Boy: Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? is his favorite book at the moment… not to read, but to eat. I had to hide it from him because he was trying to chew his way through the board book binding. I once thought the Munchkin was hard on books – he’s murder on them.

The Munchkin: Yoko and Madeline and the Gypsies. Yoko is the sweet story of a Japanese kitty whose classmates tease her over her sushi lunches. This book was a favorite of Auntie’s, but she refused to share, so we bought the Munchkin her own copy. The Munchkin loves the rhyming and the rhythmic cadence of the Madeline stories – and she calls this particular one “Madeline and the Gyppies” – I refuse to let the Webmaster correct her – it’s too cute.

The Webmaster: Warlord by Ilario Pantano and Malcolm McConnell. He’s really into it – this being the kind of book that he truly enjoys reading.

Me: Actually, I’m kind of stuck. I haven’t updated the What I’m Reading sidebar in a while because, well, I haven’t had anything to read. I picked up the August edition of Good Housekeeping and just finished it, and I also bought and read the September issue of Parents magazine. I haven’t come across anything new to read, so I was re-reading Henry VIII: The King and His Court by Alison Weir (my favorite British historian). Does anyone out there have any suggestions? I am probably going to re-read Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (because I finally was able to get it in paperback!!), but I’m open to whatever anyone may toss my way. It’s time to hit the library, because the Munchkin keeps asking to go to the bookstore (mostly to play with the train tables at Barnes & Noble, but she also knows that she usually scores a new book out of a trip there, because Mommy’s a sucker and I can’t deny my child books), so we need to get new things to read for free. So, anyone got a good recommendation? If I don’t find something soon, I may have to break down and get Betrayal while it’s still in hardback…

2 Responses to “The Corner’s books of the moment”

  1. Dozeymagz
    August 7th, 2006 04:54

    You might like to try ‘The Black Magician’ trilogy. If you like Harry Potter, I’m pretty sure you’ll like these books. I really enjoyed them. There’s a link below to the first book – ‘The Magician’s Guild’. Well worth a read!


  2. Little Cousin's Mommy
    August 7th, 2006 07:30

    Little Cousin has destroyed (and I mean DESTROYED) every board book she has come in contact with, each book is in at least two pieces. So I put special books on high shelves. The safest book is “My First Peter Rabbit Cloth Book” given by you.

    Oddball finished “Catch 22” last month and liked it, I don’t know much about it. Currently, he’s reading training manuals.

    I finished “The Chronicles of Narnia” last month. “Sense and Sensibility” is on hold (Jane Austen is dense, but wonderful stuff), because I’ve decided to read “The New Dare to Discipline” by Dr. James Dobson. I really like it, so far (about one-fourth in), but I think you have already read that.