
Chocolate Cake – in a what?

For the record, I will note that Tad is REALLY into the idea of cake right now. He gets really excited whenever he sees a picture of a cake – or a real cake – because he believes that it must be someone’s birthday.

Going to a few parties in a week will do that to a kid.

Anyway, I made a very yummy chocolate cake on Monday for our company dinner with Juliet and Company and the Friend and Doc clan. The four older kids only mildly confused Auletta. Tad even greeted her with a “Hi, baby,” before completely ignoring her for the rest of the evening. (Anyone smaller than him is automatically a “baby” in his world.)

Ane and Tad were fascinated with the making of the cake. They each got to “help” stir – which became a bit of a battle over the spatula, but turned out better than I’d hoped – and besides snitching chocolate chips (a genetic defect which they have apparently acquired from their Gichan, who is notorious for doing that when cookies are being made), the cake was mixed with little difficulty. And then I pulled out the bundt pan.

“Mommy, what is THAT?” Ane asked, pointed at the pan.

“This is a bundt pan,” I said, internally giggling as I remembered one of the funniest scenes in My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

Naturally, Ane misheard me. “A butt pan? Why are you putting the cake into a butt pan??”

It didn’t prevent her – or her brother – from eating the cake with great relish. I have much ado to keep Tad out of the leftovers.

2 Responses to “Chocolate Cake – in a what?”

  1. Aunt Lynda
    March 19th, 2009 09:17

    Thanks for the link to the clip. I’d forgotten it.
    And I love to make butt cakes.
    And what happened on Idol? I had Alexis picked for a finalist. Thought they would save her! I guess it was the song.
    Michael will be next off.

  2. Juliet
    March 19th, 2009 14:18

    That was one of the best butt cakes I’ve ever had!