
Doctor’s Visit

I had a regular OB checkup yesterday, and Ane went with me. Tad stayed with Grandma and Auntie.

Ane had asked if she could go, because I had told her that she could listen to the baby’s heartbeat during the visit. But first I had to answer all of her questions.

“Is this the hospital where I was born?” Yes.

“How come you don’t go to see Dr. N?” Because Dr. N. is YOUR doctor, and he’s only a doctor for kids.

“So this doctor is for grown-ups?” Well, for mommies and grown-up ladies.

“Ewwww!” Okay, that wasn’t a question, but it is what she said when I had to explain what a urine sample is.

Once Dr. W. came in, she tried to hear the baby’s heartbeat, but couldn’t find it. My stomach dropped into my shoes.

So Ane and I were hustled off to the ultrasound room to check on everything.

And everything is fine. The placenta is in front of the baby (in an anterior position) and was blocking the sound of the heartbeat that the doppler was trying to pick up. Ane got to see the baby on the ultrasound, and the technician turned on the speakers so we could hear the little heartbeat thumping away.

Everyone’s breathing went back to normal, but Ane had to ask Dr. W. a question. “Is it a boy or a girl?”

Dr. W. very kindly told her that it was too early to see that yet.

On our way to pick Tad up, Ane told me, “Mommy, if the baby is a boy, I will be fine with that.” Pause. “But I’ll be happier if it’s a girl.”

I offered to let her take an ultrasound picture to school to show her class, but she shook her head. “I don’t think my class will be very impressed with that.”

Honestly, I’m not sure Ane was very impressed with the doctor’s visit, either.

One Response to “Doctor’s Visit”

  1. Ressis
    September 11th, 2009 07:39

    Wow that kid has personality through the roof! I’m glad to hear that everything is going well.