
What to read next?

Clearly, Ane suffers from a lack of options in this house.

To be fair, a couple of them are borrowed from Grandma.  Interestingly, she will not touch Harry Potter right now.  She gives me lots of different excuses, but I don’t think she wants to be disappointed by the ending (she won’t be) and I don’t think she wants the story to end.

She ended up picking Jane of Lantern Hill.  We just finished Anne of Green Gables – and I cried during the chapter when Matthew died.  My daughter, who clearly does not suffer from the same emotional issues I do, looked at me and said, “Mom, you know this story isn’t real, right?”

And to follow up on my “Big Ears” post… last night, Friend and Doc and the boys were over, and we let the kids watch the first 45 minutes of The Princess Bride.  The older three are old enough to enjoy it, and we thought it would be fun to let them watch it together.  Cary Elwes, who plays Westley, was just in Nana and Papa’s town, shooting a movie on location.  I mentioned to Friend and Doc that Nana actually got to meet him.

“Nana got to meet Carrie Underwood???” Ane yelped.

Friend cracked up laughing.  She reads the blog.

Someone else who reads the blog is Great-Grandma, whose birthday was yesterday!  Happy birthday to my Grandma and my kids’  Great-Grandma!  I owe you a spot of tea!

One Response to “What to read next?”

  1. Aunt Lynda
    October 22nd, 2012 04:59

    I read Because of Winn Dixie recently. A friend recommended it because it had a bottle tree described in it. Actually, she was a lady who dropped by and rang my doorbell because of my bottle tree. I invited her in, we had a lot in common, we toured my house and had a great visit! Lisa was at the table giggling the whole time; inviting a stranger into my house! But the lady has been back because her father lives here. I think we are friends, but I can’t remember her name.