
Archive for June, 2014

Changes Brewing

Thursday, June 12th, 2014

I can hardly believe it, but the kids have less than a week of school left. With next year looming on the horizon, I’m keeping my fingers crossed on who Ane will have next year as a teacher (there are two that I know of that would be good for her in the 5th grade). […]


Wednesday, June 11th, 2014

A big part of why Thumper has been so tired lately has to do with his teeth.  Little guy is cutting his one-year-old molars, and it’s exhausting work! They were bothering him so much lately that I broke out the Tylenol.  This is Thumper after the meds have kicked in. And with a nice, cold […]

Dinner Was Boring

Tuesday, June 10th, 2014

Yesterday’s dinner was “brinner” – Belgian waffles and sausage.  The older three loved it. Thumper, on the other hand… I guess dinner bored him to sleep. He did wake up and finish eating.  But it’s always funny when he crashes in the middle of a meal.

June Bug and Bubbles

Monday, June 9th, 2014

Thumper is getting used to the whole “walking around” thing outside – and he’s only fallen down the back porch steps twice. And we usually keep the bubbles up on the bench on the porch, so he generally stays up there.