
Skinny Little Boys

Well, it’s official.  My little boys are little.

I took both Rerun and Thumper to see Dr. N, our pediatrician, for their checkups.  Rerun also needed one more immunization shot before kindergarten.  And because I believe in equal opportunity suffering, Thumper was due for one shot as well.

Rerun is my perfectly proportioned petite boy.  He is 41 and three-quarters inches tall and 37 and a half pounds, which puts him into the 25th percentile for height and the 27th for weight.  I knew he hadn’t taken much of a growth spurt over this last year.  He might be little, but he’s scrappy.  He also did a hearing test and a vision screening, and he passed both of them with flying colors.

Thumper is now 34 and a half inches tall, which puts him into the 53rd percentile for height, and 25 and a half pounds, which puts him into the 19th percentile for weight.  Long, skinny limbs on this one.  He also got a clean bill of health.

I guess it’s a good thing they both still eat full-fat yogurt and eat peanut butter every day.  They need all the protein they can get!  And the occasional cookie certainly isn’t hurting them, either.

They are healthy and happy, and that’s all that matters.  Thumper got a Thor band-aid and Rerun got a Hulk band-aid after their shots, and then they each got a cookie from the bakery at the grocery store afterward while we were shopping.  And that made everything better.

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