
Archive for September, 2015

His Eyes

Monday, September 14th, 2015

Sometimes, I look deep into Thumper’s eyes…. …. and I whisper, “It looks like you are wearing permanent eyeliner, and it’s not fair.” I do not know where those eyelashes came from, and if I did, I’d have them myself!

Flashback Friday

Friday, September 11th, 2015

A different kind of flashback today…. as it is the 14th observation of 9/11. We all have different memories of that terrible day.  After going to the Pentagon and hearing just how much damage there had been, and seeing the memorial chapel, the horror of the day became much more real to me. Since you […]

No-Good Broken Bone

Thursday, September 10th, 2015

So, this happened. Ane was outside playing soccer in the cul-de-sac, wearing THAT SHIRT, when she tripped and fell.  And she immediately came inside, wincing in pain.  We slapped an ice pack on her arm, but she couldn’t bend her wrist properly.  So I sent her and the Webmaster off to the Children’s urgent care […]

Tad Speaks… Malapropisms

Wednesday, September 9th, 2015

Tad is the master of the malapropism – the mistake of saying a similar sounding word for the word you mean to say.  For example…. Back in late August, Ane’s allergies were acting up, and she’d been having a lot of nosebleeds as a result. Tad sees his sister with a tissue stuffed up her […]