
Archive for January, 2016

Roomie Problems

Monday, January 25th, 2016

The Great Roommate Swap has been fairly successful, especially when you take into consideration the obstacles initially against it.  For the most part, Tad and Thumper are doing all right.  Tad has been convinced to keep the door closed in order to keep Thumper inside the room.  He has both a nightlight and a flashlight […]

Flashback Friday

Friday, January 22nd, 2016

This still makes me laugh, two years later. I took this on my old cell phone.  Thumper was so tired at the end of a trip to Costco that he’d fallen asleep on Rerun.  It was too adorable!  This is proof that a stop at Costco takes forever!

Girls’ Pizza Party

Thursday, January 21st, 2016

Ane finally had her friend party for her birthday, and I think it went well! Step 1: Send all little brothers away to Grandma and Gichan’s house with Dad. Step 2: Turn on Xbox and play Just Dance until all friends arrive. Step 3: Eat copious amounts of pizza and pop while watching “Inside Out.” […]

Lights Off

Wednesday, January 20th, 2016

The older two boys are notorious for leaving lights on all over the house.  With Tad, it’s a combination of forgetfulness and his very real dislike of the dark.  With Rerun – he’s five-going-on-six, and I have more hope of correcting him. I walked into the boys’ room to find the light on – again. […]