
Flashback Friday

Tad and the Webmaster are due home from camp this afternoon, and I’m sure I will have more stories and pictures of how things went once they get home and decompress a little.

But it reminds me of just a couple of years ago when Ane was going to camp herself!  It was in March 2015.

In her camp shirt

When he arrived, the Webmaster ran into Ane’s elementary school principal – they had been at camp for the Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday morning shift, and she asked the Webmaster to tell Ane hello (which he then texted to me, so I could pass it along).  Ane has very fond memories of camp and elementary school.

Rerun has had to be reminded more than once that Tad is at camp, and finally said yesterday evening, “I want to go to this camp!”  There’s only four more years until he goes!

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