
Archive for March, 2020

The Rule of Mom Begins

Monday, March 16th, 2020

Today begins a “pause” for the school district as they try to figure out how best to deliver online schooling when we are going to be out for at least 7 weeks, possibly more in total. However, the boys have some online programs that they can continue to access, so they will.  I’m going to […]

Online School Experiment Comes To A Stop

Friday, March 13th, 2020

Well, after today, formal online school is “pausing.” What happens next?  Not really sure. However, I did tell the kids to brace themselves, because come Monday, we will do it MY WAY.

Basic Etiquette

Thursday, March 12th, 2020

Lesson 101 in online etiquette: when eating breakfast, make sure your microphone is on mute. In cyberspace, no one can smell you, but they CAN hear you chew. And happy birthday to my dear niece Belle, who is 14 years old today!  

Pajama Days and Field Trips

Wednesday, March 11th, 2020

Day three of online school began with the acceptance of perpetual pajama day status.  So long as you are actually wearing things that cover your skin, it’s fine.  Plus, in cyberspace, no one can smell you. However, the kids did get dressed in order to go on a very exciting field trip!  All the way […]