
Do we have a summer routine?

I am so confused. This is Tuesday, right? Yup. Okay.

With yesterday being the Fourth and a day off for all, having the Webmaster home for an extra day threw me off. This is going to happen more and more over the summer, culminating in the birth of Munchkin #2. The Webmaster will take a couple of weeks off to help out as we all become acquainted with the newest member of the family. At that point, I will be so sleep-deprived that I won’t care what day of the week it is – I’ll just be awake for the feedings.

I am trying to keep as much of our regular routine up to that point for the Munchkin’s sake. Since no one who lives here is in school anymore, we don’t have extra people now at home. We have had a soon-to-be-seventh-grader-aunt around a few times during the day, but it hasn’t really struck me as that unusual or summery. However, that is all about to change with one magic word: vacations.

Not that we are going on vacation, mind you. We’re too poor and too pregnant to go anywhere but the hospital. No, other people. Other lucky people whose homes and pets we get the privilege of watching over. No more routine for us. Go to houses, play with pets, walk pets, get mail… and then go home and do the same thing at our house – minus the pets. We are still petless. Not even a goldfish.

And now I have to get ready for Munchkin #2. That means cleaning up a room, painting, getting clothes ready for him – and keeping the Munchkin from unhelping too much. In fact, I’d better fold that laundry on the kitchen table before she decides to “help.”

I’m not sure I’m liking this summer thing.

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