
Just how big am I??

It is not an easy task to wean Baby Boy.

I mean, he’s going to be a year old on Saturday (!!!), and I just cut him down to nursing first thing in the morning and right before bedtime. He now gets a bottle, which he does take from me or his Daddy quite willingly, right before naptime. He finishes it all before his nap, so we don’t have any baby bottle mouth issues.

The problem has been that he knows where the goods are kept, and when he’s upset/hungry/tired, he’s been known to claw at my chest in a desperate attempt to get to the girls. I don’t think he’s going to give up the comfort of nursing quite yet, even if he does enjoy the bottle. His sister? I quit breastfeeding her cold turkey two weeks before her first birthday. We were down to only one nursing session a day, and I had just found out that I was pregnant with Baby Boy. So I nursed the Munchkin one last time, and then gave it up. Did she care? Nope, not as long as those bottles kept coming (and we didn’t short her on the goods).

My son is such a male.

Anyway, the point is that I am finally going to be able to stop wearing nursing bras morning, noon, and night. Which will be nice, but I am in desperate need of new, supportive, well-fitting bras. The Webmaster wants me to go to a bra fitting, which I am more than happy to do. But I still thought that maybe, possibly, I could get this figured out via a website and order something now, instead of waiting. With that in mind, and a coupon, I was hunting around on the Gap‘s website to see what their measurement sizing charts said.

According to them, I was a DD cup size.

The Webmaster was thrilled for about 30 seconds until reality sunk in, and even he realized what a joke that was.

Their math was extremely weird – measure your rib cage in inches and add 5 to get your correct band size. Then measure the bustline and subtract the band size (with the extra 5 inches added). The remaining number is supposed to translate into your cup size (a 1 inch difference would be an A cup, 2 inches a B cup, and so on and so on). Per their math, I was a DD. Which, if you know me, and have seen my pictures, is not really possible, even at my full nursing peak.

So, I decided to check the chart on the Nordstrom website to compare. After taking my measurements and applying it to their chart, I ended up at exactly the size I’ve been wearing, which is so not a DD. I still want to go in for an actual fitting, but at least I don’t think there will be any major surprises.

Too bad for the Webmaster.

In other news:

UPS got back to me, both via email and by phone, offering to replace my hosta if necessary (it isn’t – the plant is fine, I just lost foliage), and promising to talk with the driver about “proper delivery procedure.” I think I’ve gotten my pound of flesh for this round. We’ll see what happens next time UPS deilvers. (dum dah dummm!)

And today is the Captain and Belle’s Mommy’s third wedding anniversary! Why doesn’t Hallmark have cards that say, “Happy Anniversary, even though you’re spending it apart because one of you is on active military duty in Iraq”? Maybe they have a suggestions box on their website… Anyway, they love each other and I sure wish they could be together today. Hopefully they will be next year. So, three years ago I was the fat bridesmaid. Being 5 months pregnant in a bridesmaid’s dress will do that to you. I look huge in the pictures. No, I won’t be posting them here!

2 Responses to “Just how big am I??”

  1. L.
    August 9th, 2006 22:13

    I weaned Matthew at (oh, this is embarrassing…) 22 months. I had been doing only the morning/nighttime thing since he was a year old, but he still wanted those feedings very badly. Very VERY badly….

    So I used Tabasco — just a tiny bit. Not enough to burn his little mouth, but just enough to give him a yucky taste, so that he looked at me funny, knowing something didn`t taste right.

    Then I rubbed a ton of Tabasco on my self, so that the smell would further discourage him. I found out the hard way that if you marinate skin in Tobasco, after about half an hour you will start to BURN, and you will need to take a shower.

    After learning that, I put Tobasco between sheets of plastic wrap and stuffed it in my bra, so that it didn`t burn my skin, but I still reeked of it.

    I offered Matthew a choice — would he like one of my nasty, smelly Tabasco-marinated breasts, or a nice bottle of milk? And guess what he picked.

    I told this story to my mother-in-law, and she said she used wasabi.

  2. Little Cousin's Mommy
    August 10th, 2006 06:49

    Ah, come on. Post their wedding pictures! It will aid in the blogging experience.