
The cottonwoods…

… they have bloomed. Little tufts of fluff and seeds floating everywhere. I’ve actually seen spots along the road where it looks like snow has accumulated.

Guess who is suffering the most from allergies at the moment?

A) The Webmaster
B) Me
C) Ane
D) Tad

I’ll give you a hint… someone broke out into hives yesterday in the evening. Then someone else broke out the Benadryl.

Take a guess – leave it in the comments. All will be revealed (unlike, say, Battlestar Galactica, which is making us all wait until NEXT JANUARY for the second half of season 4. Slightly bitter. Did you notice?).

4 Responses to “The cottonwoods…”

  1. Resiss
    June 17th, 2008 07:36

    I’ll cast my guess that the Webmaster got hives and you got the Benedryl.

  2. Aunt Lynda
    June 17th, 2008 09:06

    My guess:
    Ane with the hives, and yes, you with the Benedryl.

  3. Laurie
    June 17th, 2008 09:21

    I hope not all of the above!

  4. Aunt Lynda
    June 17th, 2008 19:39

    I’ve been puzzling over this all day and I wish to change my guess.
    The one with the hives is the mommy and the daughter, who knows what to do for allergies, got the benedryl.