

As soon as Tad heard the word “presents,” the party was on. He could barely wait to pause for a picture.

Ready to open presents!

Note to self – when giving Tad books, let him open them last.

I just need to read this first

He received quite a few books for his birthday, and he had to stop and flip through every single one before he could move on to his next gift. Grandma said, “Hmm… this reminds me of someone,” and smiled at me.

More books!

And yes, that is a slightly large LEGO Star Wars T-shirt that he is wearing. He was furious with me later in the evening when I insisted that he wear pajamas to bed instead of his new shirt… which he’d gotten frosting on earlier.

Speaking of the cake…

Star Wars cake

It was a Star Wars birthday, after all. These are some of the Webmaster’s old action figures which we got from Nana. The Webmaster got R2-D2 wet once and he lost some of his sticker front. They held up pretty well on the ice-cream cake. Tad went looking for them later, but the Webmaster had already spirited them away.

But not to worry. Tad has plenty of new books to read, puzzles to put together, and clothes to wear. He had a fun party.

2 Responses to “Party!”

  1. Ressis
    August 18th, 2009 07:22

    What a cutie! I’m sorry we could come, but I’m glad he had a good time.

  2. Ressis
    August 18th, 2009 07:22

    correction: couldn’t come.