
Tongue Tuesday

The weather… is not so good.  We get teased with a little sunshine here, a little warmth there… we’re living with our back door open during the day just so Tad can run outdoors whenever the weather is good enough.

He’s used up at least 1 big jug and 3 smaller bottles of bubble solution in the last 3 days.  Oh, and the bubble solution in the $1 bins at Michaels?  Yeah, it’s worth just about that.  I’ve never seen such a lousy mix.

Anyway, when life gives you lame weather, or cheap bubble solution… just stick your tongue out at life.

That’s what Rerun says, anyway.

And today is the Webmaster’s birthday!  FYI, Rerun… do not stick your tongue out at Daddy when you get older.  It’s only cute right now.  And happy birthday to my diligent, loving and helpful husband.  I could not do all that I do… without you.

2 Responses to “Tongue Tuesday”

  1. Grandma
    June 29th, 2010 05:47

    Our best birthday wishes to the Webmaster, as well. Have a great day! And Rerun, Mommy is right about sticking out your tongue – just ask your big sister…

  2. Aunt Lynda
    June 29th, 2010 09:25

    This picture brought a chuckle out loud! So cute! Oh, and Happy Birthday to the Web guy.