
First Day of School 2012

And… they’re off!!!

But before they left, I got pictures.  I think they’ve both gotten taller.

Being out at the bus stop together was quite a novelty.

Rerun, locked down in the stroller, was less amused with the situation.

Tad’s bus arrived first (!), and I got him buckled in and waved good-bye.

And then Ane was off about five minutes later, and was so excited to see her bus and bus driver from last year that I couldn’t get a picture taken.  Oh well.

So, here I am, with Rerun and a quiet house.  And it is QUIET.  I’m not sure either of us knows what to do with all the quiet just yet.

3 Responses to “First Day of School 2012”

  1. Ressis
    September 4th, 2012 16:52

    Looking forward to my own quiet tomorrow.

  2. Nana
    September 4th, 2012 19:14

    They DO look like they’re taller AND EXCITED!

  3. Denise
    September 4th, 2012 19:38

    How can it really be quiet with a two year old around? Sigh. I think the first day of school will be a lot more exciting when I can wave good-bye to ALL of them. Hope #1 & #2 had a great first day!