
Hawaii, Day Seven (first half) – Shark Dive!

If you want to see Tad when he is truly happy, this is your picture.

Tad and the Webmaster

Take two of the shark dive!  Tuesday morning promised much calmer seas and less wind.  The two of them left for the shark dive bright and early in the morning, and they were able to do it!  The Webmaster had borrowed a GoPro from some friends, which had an underwater case, but we also purchased the footage that North Shore Shark Adventures shot on their GoPros.  All the following photos are stills taken from video.

Climbing in!

They climbed into the cage, and were greeted by Galapagos sharks!  The Webmaster estimates that there were 10 to 12 sharks out there.

Hello, sharks!

They were about 3 miles off shore, and the water was about 400 feet deep.

Up close!

Tad, who had practiced with a snorkel before we left, did absolutely fantastic.

Tad and the Webmaster in the shark cage

A couple of times, the sharks came very close.

Up close and personal

The shark's good side

Off with the school

The Webmaster said it was an amazing experience.  Tad was simply delighted with it all.

Tad waves at the camera

I don’t know how we’ll ever top this experience for him.

After the dive

But once they got back, we were off to cram as much as possible into our last full day!

2 Responses to “Hawaii, Day Seven (first half) – Shark Dive!”

  1. Nana
    July 21st, 2016 06:54


  2. Deanna's Corner » Blog Archive » Party At the Pump! It Up!
    August 9th, 2016 13:21

    […] I also had Ane’s help, which was instrumental in getting the cupcakes to the party, and getting everything assembled and ready.  We are doing a shark theme this year, with a Hawaiian twist, in honor of Tad’s shark dive. […]