
Goodbye, crib… hello, bed

I said good-bye to our crib two days ago.

Last look at the crib

It has been in the nursery ever since we got it for Ane, shortly before she was born, courtesy of my grandparents. The Webmaster disassembled it and it is now in pieces in our living room, on its way to the shed until needed for the next child… at some point.

I really wasn’t ready for Tad to move out of the crib, but he left us with little choice.

Introducing… the toddler bed!

Big boy toddler bed!

At one foot off the ground, it cuts down on my storage space underneath it big time, but has the distinct advantage of being nearly impossible to fall out of and experience a severe injury.

It also has the distinct disadvantage of being one foot off the ground and being very easy to get out of. So far, Tad has only tried to escape once, to find that Mommy instantly picked him back up and put him back in bed. He then groused audibly in Tad-speak until he fell asleep. Last night, he was so exhausted that he fell asleep on the way home from church, and was so out of it that we actually got him into his jammies and popped him into bed with him only being drowsy-awake.

Oh, the reason he was so tired is that he napped on the way to his doctor appointment yesterday for about 20 minutes in the car, and then did not nap for the rest of the day. He had his one-month checkup (since the cast came off) appointment to test his range of motion and how well it has healed up. We actually saw the surgeon who operated on Tad, and he was pleased how well he was recovering. “Remind me, how did he do this again?” he asked me.

“He jumped out of his crib,” I replied. “But he’s sleeping in a toddler bed now!” I added.

Hey, I have to try and look like a responsible parent.

Anyway, Tad has a clean bill of health and another check-up scheduled for six months from now… which the surgeon told us was optional if we felt his full range of motion had returned. We celebrated by going to University Village and having a treat at Starbucks and playing on the fabulous kids’ play area there. What made it fabulous? It is completely fenced in and has a gate. I totally enjoyed watching the kids play, sipping on my latte, knowing that I didn’t have to be super vigilant about Tad running away from me and disappearing.

Now I just have to be super vigilant about keeping him in bed at night.

One Response to “Goodbye, crib… hello, bed”

  1. Matthew
    October 14th, 2007 20:36

    He looks so proud in his new bed!

    I’m totally not ready for that here. Amazingly, i don’t think it’s even crossed their minds that they could try and climb out of the crib.