

Ane has a field trip scheduled for today.  It’s going to be pretty boring, but that’s not my fault.  Blame the teachers, the district, and the local government.  The third grade classes are going to the local wastewater and sewage treatment plant in order to be indoctrinated on how wonderful recycling and government is, and look at what your parents’ tax dollars have done!

But I digress.

Because it’s a field trip, Ane needs a sack lunch full of completely disposable containers.  The kids typically get a Lunchable and a juice box for these types of things, in a brown paper bag.

However, I get to decorate the brown paper bag.

I can’t take a picture of it, because it has Ane’s first and last name on it (and I will staple it shut in the morning), but it is done up with her name in alternating colors in crayon, with a border of tulips.  Ane is thrilled with it and I’m sure that she will be showing it off to her friends.

I don’t care that it’s overkill or that I’m THAT mom that makes the other parents who use a sharpie to write their kid’s name on a paper bag look bad.  Ane loves it and that’s enough for me.

And since I can’t go on the field trip itself (as I pointed out to Ane, it’s a little too close to Thumper’s arrival and what on earth would I do with Rerun, since he couldn’t go?), the least I can do is make her lunch bag look good.

2 Responses to “THAT Mom”

  1. Ressis
    March 20th, 2013 04:38

    I do the same thing! And I’ll keep doing it as long as they like it.

    And it’s a bit ironic that they have to bring disposable containers for their field trip to a sewage plant. Just saying.

  2. linda
    March 20th, 2013 07:33

    Ane is Blessed with ‘THAT’ Mom and she knows it!
    WOW! A recycle plant outing! How interesting and good to learn while young!
    Keep on Decorating!